
Location Scout and Risk Assessment


In this post, I will show some potential locations for my magazine. I will also perform a risk assessment of these locations.

Purpose of the shoot : Fashion Magazine cover.

Location 1 : Omma Dayclub Bali

Location Assessment 
This picture was taken at Omma Dayclub Bali. There are several unique indoors and outdoors area in this location. Every side of this place is very aesthetic and minimalistic with an incredibly picturesque waterfall. I consider this location because it has an eye-catching appearance that can catch audiences' attention when looking at it. Furthermore, it offers a great source of natural lighting. Cowboy shot can be used to photograph the model's attire while giving some space to show the background. This location is easy to access, spacious and offers lots of areas that can be used for the photoshoot. It is also very tidy and hygienic. I like how there are areas with a more minimalistic design and neutral colours setting. However, a lot of mise-en-scene for the shot cannot be regulated since it is a public area. The place might get crowded during certain times of the day which can hinder the photoshoot's process. In addition, I'm attempting to look for a more "modern" type of location for the shoot as it will fit the theme of my magazine more. Nevertheless, I think I'll be using this place as an inspiration.

Risk Assessment
Since Omma is a pretty famous location, locals and tourists enjoys going there which makes it really crowded especially during the holidays. A lot of people tend to walk around to explore each areas of the place. Because of this, people tends to bump into each other if they're in a hurry to go somewhere. This could also have a negative impact on the shooting equipment if it falls as it is fragile. This location also has a pool and waterfall. People who had just finished swimming often walks around to get a towel or go to the bathroom, causing the floor to be wet and slippery which increases the risk of others to trip and fall if they are not walking properly. On the day of the shoot, I should walk more slowly through crowded areas and always pay attention when walking incase the floor is slippery to reduce my risk of falling. It will also be more beneficial to search for an area where there are less people for the shoot to go smoothly.

Location 2 : Dr. Joe & Friends

Location Assessment
I took this picture at Dr. Joe & Friends, a restaurant in Bali. This location has a very nice ambience and mise-en-scene due to the good natural source of lighting and its bright, colourful decors. The interior's wall design is dedicated to colourful deers and there is also a unique deer statue as well. The deer statue would add a distinctive touch to the magazine if it is used as a prop for the shoot and the colourful walls would help to catch audiences' attention. The accessibility of this location is very straightforward as it is a public area and the mise-en-scene may be regulated if the place aren't crowded. However, the areas for the shoot are limited as the tables and chairs are almost everywhere which might makes it hard to move around during the shoot. Despite this location's uniqueness, I don't think I'll be using this location for the shoot because it has very limited spaces. This location's vibrant colour theme can collide with the model's attire as well. Therefore, I'm trying to find locations with a more neutral or earthy colour to complement my magazine's concept and aesthetic.

Risk Assessment
Given that the facility has a pool at the center near all of those tables and chairs, there is a pretty high risk that people might accidentally fall into the pool while strolling around. To avoid this from happening, I should caution the model to pay attention when walking. Unpredictable weather is also an issue for the shoot. It is better to postpone or cancel the shoot if the day is rainy so the model won't be exposed to the rain, decreasing the chance of the model getting sick. On the other hand, the model might become sweaty if the weather is excessively sunny and hot. If the model becomes sweaty, there is a high possibility that the makeup will be ruined, and touch-ups will be needed, which can delay the photoshoot even more. Checking the weather at least one day prior to the shoot will help prevent this.

Location 3 : El Lago

Location Assessment
El Lago is a café that is located in Kintamani, Bali. The design of this location is very aesthetically pleasing and minimalistic with a view of the mountain. It offers both indoors and outdoors areas, and certain locations allow visitors to take photos with a better view of the mountain in the background which can pique audiences' interest. I consider this location because I love the minimalistic design of the building and the white colour theme will definitely not overpower the model's look. This location's design complements my magazine's aesthetic. However, it might be hard to get to the location as it is very far from the area that I live in (around 2 hours) and it will be hard to bring all of the equipment considering that it will be a lengthy ride. Due to the location's popularity and fact that it is a public area, a lot of the mise-en-scene can't be controlled during the shoot. Additionally, since this location is near the mountain, there is a chance that the view might get foggy (as in the image above) which can result in poor lighting for the picture. Furthermore, the weather might be too cold, especially for those wearing the Igari fashion, which would make it difficult to conduct the shoot. Therefore, I don't think that I'll be using this location for the shoot. Nonetheless, I'll still be using this location as inspiration for my magazine cover.

Risk Assessment
Since there is a lot of people who visits this café to take pictures on their desired spots, the session of the shoot couldn't be too long because there will be people waiting in line as well. People may bump into each other or even bump into the shooting equipment which is a concern. The model might also catch a cold from having prolonged exposure to cold temperatures while using thin clothing, causing to weaken the immune system. To prevent this, it is better to search or plan how the model will pose like in advance to the actual photoshoot in order to not take too long during the shoot while always keeping an eye out to the shooting equipment to prevent it from falling or breaking. It's also way better to ask the model to wear thick, warm clothing like jacket or hoodie to cover up and drink warm beverages before the shoot to prevent from being unwell.

Location 4 : Monsieur Spoon

Location Assessment
This is a picture that I took at Monsieur Spoon. Because of its high-end design, this location was the one I gave most consideration out of the four. Additionally, it has a more refined and elegant touch that will complement my magazine's concept really well without drawing attention away from the model's appearance. The visually appealing interior design and lighting of this location can capture audiences' interest easily. Due to the use of complementary colours - blue and brown - the interior's colour stands out. Portrait cowboy shot can be used to take the magazine's cover image as it can show the model's full body attire while landscape long shot can be used to take the pictures in the double page spread. This location is easy to access, it is also very spacious and has various spots for the shoot. Furthermore, this location is incredibly tidy and clean, also has a very modern appearance to it which meets my requirements of what I'm searching for. Although not all of the mise-en-scene can be regulated for the shoot, most of it can. However, due to the artificial lighting and crowds, silhouettes in the background during the shoot may ruin the picture's outcome.

Risk Assessment
Personally, I don't think there is much risk when it comes to this location aside from the fact that it is a public area with plenty of people are strolling around. However, I think it's preferable to schedule the shot in advance to ensure that it doesn't take too long as to not cause nuisance to the people around. Additionally, it is best to avoid getting in the way of others to avoid blocking their path or bumping into them during the shoot -especially the waitress.

Reflection : By completing the risk assessment for each location, it gave me better awareness of the potential hazards in my surroundings. This will help me save a lot of time because any occurrence of these accidents will hinder the photoshoot session and the result of the shoot wouldn't be optimal. Moreover, I determined that selecting Monsieur Spoon would be a more advantageous option. The location analysis significantly influenced my decision-making process.

Magazine Article 1st Draft

Here is my attempt on making the 1st draft of the magazine article that I will put in my fashion magazine.

Topic : How to find your own fashion style
Tone : Informal (friendlier tone)
Direct/Indirect : Direct
Who is the author :  A well know fashion stylist and designer.

Plan : Introduction - body text - interview with star appeal - closing.
What to include : Images (Jmin, outfit, accessories, full), headline, subheading, author, main article, pull quote. 

Jmin's Interview :
How do you find your own fashion style that suits you ?
It took effort and time trying different clothes styles out that fit my body type, colour scheme and preference to find my own fashion style. Throughout my journey, I have found inspiration and guidance by studying the fashion choices of multiple celebrities which helped aid my journey towards finding my own style.
Is confidence important to help express yourself better through fashion ?
Yes, confidence is a crucial key to expressing myself effectively through fashion. When I see other people’s confidence in their style choices, it shows, and truly creates a stronger impression towards others.
Any tips that you'd like to give to readers on how to find your fashion style ?
Explore as much styles as possible (exploit yourself in the fashion world)
Explore your style preferences and compare them with reality (mood board)
Such as knowing your body type and natural skin tone - to know which type of clothes you should avoid and colour tones that suits you

The Alchemy of Fashion ; A Guide to Express Yourself through Fashion.
If you think that fashion has limits to creativity, you're wrong.

We live in a world where it is filled with never-ending trends and ever-changing styles, where fashion is an enterprising and continuously flourishing art form. Finding your own fashion style is one of the most important key to standing out in the crowd. However, it may not be as easy as it looks; it often resembles navigating through a complex labyrinth. The secret to unlocking this enigma lies in embracing the process as a journey of self-discovery. Fortunately, several guidelines can assist you to unraveling the mystery of cultivating a personal style that not only reflects your personality but also exudes confidence.

A Fashion Stylist and Designer of many years, Estelle Claude has looked through matter. "I have encountered common challenges among individuals, particularly adolescents, in their quest to define a distinctive fashion identity. The lack of proper guidance often leaves them grappling with issues of self-awareness, confidence, and a fear of societal judgments. This demographic frequently faces problems related to a deficiency in fashion education, impeding their ability to comprehend fundamental aspects such as body shape analysis and color coordination. As a result, a lot of them find themselves trapped in styles that fail to harmonize with their unique characteristics. Personal style may also change constantly. Therefore, the failure to recognize this may add another complexity", she said. Estelle Claude also added that individuals may struggle to embrace the inevitable shifts in their style preferences, sometimes being unaware that these changes are a natural part of developing of personal expression.

Jmin May, a well know freelance Fashion Model that has been in the fashion industry for more than half of her life is on the rise of her popularity due to her recent appearance at a cafe in her hometown on the 2nd of February 2024. She was seen to be wearing a style called 'Igari Fashion' with a little bit of twist that comes from her personal touch which makes the outfit to serve a minimalistic, cool yet elegant look. Pictures that were taken of her by user "@____" on that day was then published on Instagram not long after. The post then started blowing up by receiving tons of likes, comments and reposts, getting the attention from millions of people all around the world; mainly fashion enthusiasts and designers due to how perfectly the style fits her. Quoted from the comment section; "She looks phenomenal" "I've never knew how important fashion style is until I saw this" " "She's insanely breathtaking, I aspire to be just like her one day" "Wow. Just wow. I have no words, she looks divine". Jmin claimed that she was surprised by the amount of recognition that she was getting but is very grateful that she was able to be an inspiration for others. As she is not under any fashion agencies, a lot of famous fashion agencies are grappling to take her in. Everyone admires her and desires to have a prodigious fashion sense like hers. 

Like a gracious genie summoned in the times of need, Jmin May has shared a few of her tips on how she finds her own fashion style.

• How do you find your own fashion style that suits you ?
"It took effort and a lot of time trying different clothing styles out to see which one that fits my body type, colour scheme and preference to find my own fashion style. Throughout my journey, I have found inspiration and guidance by studying the fashion choices of multiple celebrities that I look up to which helped aid my journey towards finding my own style."

• Is confidence important to help express yourself better through fashion ?
"Yes, confidence is a crucial key to expressing myself effectively through fashion. Whenever I see other people’s confidence in their style choices, it really shows, and truly creates a stronger impression towards others."

• Are there any tips that you'd like to give to the readers on how they can find their own style ?
"Of course ! If you want to find your own style easier, you should explore as much styles as possible, take your time to exploit yourself in the fashion world. You can also explore your style preferences and compare them with reality; mood board. Such as knowing your body type and natural skin tone to know which type of clothes you should avoid and colour tones that suits you. Last and most importantly, confidence! It usually influences people's presence and it really helps to make you look more attractive."

Fashion is not just about clothing, it's a profound form of self expression. Just think as if the fashion world is a canvas; where each of your choices is like another stroke to your masterpiece. It's time for you to be YOU.

[Pull Quote : Fashion is like a canvas]

Reflection : Turns out, making an article for a fashion magazine is not as easy as I thought it would be. At first, I was confused on where to start as I don't really know how to make a magazine article sounds professional and engaging at the same time. I then re-read some double page on the fashion magazines that I have and go back to my Double Page Spread Analysis blog to know more about the conventions of a fashion magazine's double page. As time went on, the difficulty upon writing this article gradually became easier and I enjoyed writing it. Since my target audience are mostly teenagers and young adults, I decided to use informal tone and direct mode of address in the article so readers so they can feel more engaged and connected since it helps to create a sense of intimacy and inclusivity. Honestly, it also took me a long time to settle on a good subheading because I'm pretty indecisive and I want the subheading to be a thought-provoking and impactful to the readers. I ended up getting the idea from one of the double page spread from the COSMOPOLITAN Magazine's double page as an inspiration to mine. I also tried to use the conventions of the language style of fashion magazines; where the language usually uses conversational tone and inclusivity, then implement it in mine so that it will sounds as if it's professionally made. Additionally, I 'interviewed' my friend to answer the questions that I have prepared for her so the language style can differ from mine, allowing readers to read it easier. 

Here is where I got my subheading idea from : 

Technical Skill

Throughout the project, I encountered  some technical problems. In this blog, I will show how I solved the problems in detail.

Problem : Unable to embed PDF into blogger.
In my blog post for the Statement of Intent, I had to embed a PDF document onto the page. At first, I tried to do this with a simple "embed" link that my teacher had taught me about as that is what my classmates and I usually used and this technique worked fine when I embedded a presentation into blogger. However, this technique doesn't really work when it comes to embedding a PDF document since I was unable to resize the image of it.

I researched online and found a useful YouTube video that explains how to do it. I also asked my teacher for guidelines as I was a little bit confused and unsure about whether I'm on the right track. 

Here are the the steps : 
1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive
2. Click "share" and make sure that "anyone with link" has access. Then, copy the link of the PDF document. 
3. open up "HTML view" in the blogger page.
4. Paste the link
5. Remove "usp=sharing" and change from "view" to "preview"
6. Add the code <iframe src=" " width="640" height="480"></iframe> and insert the PDF link into the src=" "
7. Click "Publish"

Here is the edited code :

Now, the whole PDF document is visible as it has the perfect size to the blog which makes it appear neater and more organized, making it easier for people to read.

YouTube Video's Title and Link :
How to upload pdf and related file on blogger || how to upload documents in blogger ||

Reflection : I was quite surprised on how simple the task was. Although I still needed my teacher's guide for reassurance, I was able to keep up and follow along. I often think that coding on a website is intimidating due to how hard it looks. However, I have shown that I can use it to do simple tasks through this experience. I tend to forget things quite easily. Therefore, I decided to include a step-by-step process here so I can refer back to it incase I forget the solution in the future. 

Magazine Terminology

 Here is a list of terminology that we should have a good understanding for in this project.


The name of the magazine, in its typical font, on the cover.

Selling line

The short description of the ‘identity’ of the magazine under the masthead,

Main image

The image which fills the cover – a model, celebrity, animal, artefact.


‘Teasers’ for the contents of the magazine on the cover.


The shape, style, size and colour of the letters used.

Drop cap

The enlarged initial letter of the first word of an article – an aesthetic feature which is designed to engage the reader.

Pull quotes

Enlarged quotes from an article – these may be included in coverlines, but are also used in the body of the article to break up the page and to attract the attention of the reader.


The name of the writer of the article, usually found at the beginning. Simply, it is the ‘line’ which tells you who the article is by.

Main cover line

The most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)

Mode of address

The way the magazine/article addresses the audience. Formal, casual, direct (for images too)


Used for retailers


A list of keywords featured at the top of the cover


The upper and left third are the most important. why?


An image of an item

Puff / Boxout

A smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)


Exclusive, free, new, special edition


A block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover


Information about an image.


Pages of a magazine that should be viewed together (usually two)


Empty space around the edges

White space

Empty space in the spread, used to break up the content (negative space)

Here is the link for the terminology list : 

Reflection : When my teacher showed us this list for the first time, I was intrigued of it. Even though there were a lot of terminologies that I've never heard of before, I find it really interesting as it is something new to me. Once we started our research, I was able to differentiate on which is which and I noticed that I was able to analyze and discuss magazines better and in more details now that I had the terminology to use. However, I still return to this list from time to time as I haven't remembered all of the terminologies yet. By using this list, it helps me to find the terminology that I want to use faster and easier so it is very convenient to use.

Double Page Spread : Research + Development

 This is the Research and Development for my magazine's double page spread. I have decided to separate my research and development from my front cover research to make it more organized.

Here is my first double page spread research from a Fashion Magazine by ELLE.
ELLE Indonesia ; September 2023 Issue, Featuring Imaan Hammam.

Does it has a Call to Action ?
No. The double page spread only talks about Kartika Wijaya's career and fashion style, inspiring readers to be themselves. I believe that the Loewe bag is featured in the double page only because it conveys what Kartika Wijaya's prefers for her fashion style.

Reflection : 
I have learned that I have to include a byline to provide credits for the author. In my opinion, the headline and subheading should be positioned near the top of the magazine to make it easier for readers to read and understand the topic of the article immediately. The layout of the magazine is really good however, it looks like there is a little too much on the top due to the bottom being filled with sentences. Therefore, it doesn't look balanced. This helps me to understand that layout is very important and I should create a double page using a more balance layout. I believe that the images used in this double page is professionally taken since it has a good sense of composition, lighting and quality which helps to attract audiences' attention. Therefore, I will need to include good quality images to make my double page more appealing to the audience.

Here is my second double page spread research from a Fashion Magazine by COSMOPOLITAN.
COSMOPOLITAN ; October 2023 Issue, Featuring Halle Bailey.

Does it have a Call to Action ? 
No it doesn't as the double page is talking about Anne's journey of being a transwomen and how she became the owner of Miss Universe and changing some rules into making Miss Universe Organization a safe space for everyone to be the strongest, most powerful version of themselves. It doesn't include any products in the double page.

Reflection :
I learned that bold fonts are really important for headline and pull quote to immediately attract readers' attention as the letters appears to be thicker and bigger than the other. The article is a little bit too long as it is filled about Anne's journey so readers might lose interest when seeing how long it is. Therefore, I think that I will put less sentences in my double page spread. They utilized the collage technique for two of the main pictures in the double page. This makes it look more fun and creative, making it appear more unique. Thus, there is a high possibility that I will apply this collage technique in my double page. 

Additional : 
I learned that a lot of fashion magazines doesn't only focus on fashion. Although not all, most fashion magazines focused on other subgenres such as lifestyle, health and architecture. It is sometimes quite challenging to find a double page spread that includes a fashion product as most products are placed in the double page as an ad which doesn't include any articles in it. Therefore, I will make a double page spread that includes a fashion product and article in it. 

Here is the link for my Double Page analysis spreadsheet :