
Location Scout and Risk Assessment


In this post, I will show some potential locations for my magazine. I will also perform a risk assessment of these locations.

Purpose of the shoot : Fashion Magazine cover.

Location 1 : Omma Dayclub Bali

Location Assessment 
This picture was taken at Omma Dayclub Bali. There are several unique indoors and outdoors area in this location. Every side of this place is very aesthetic and minimalistic with an incredibly picturesque waterfall. I consider this location because it has an eye-catching appearance that can catch audiences' attention when looking at it. Furthermore, it offers a great source of natural lighting. Cowboy shot can be used to photograph the model's attire while giving some space to show the background. This location is easy to access, spacious and offers lots of areas that can be used for the photoshoot. It is also very tidy and hygienic. I like how there are areas with a more minimalistic design and neutral colours setting. However, a lot of mise-en-scene for the shot cannot be regulated since it is a public area. The place might get crowded during certain times of the day which can hinder the photoshoot's process. In addition, I'm attempting to look for a more "modern" type of location for the shoot as it will fit the theme of my magazine more. Nevertheless, I think I'll be using this place as an inspiration.

Risk Assessment
Since Omma is a pretty famous location, locals and tourists enjoys going there which makes it really crowded especially during the holidays. A lot of people tend to walk around to explore each areas of the place. Because of this, people tends to bump into each other if they're in a hurry to go somewhere. This could also have a negative impact on the shooting equipment if it falls as it is fragile. This location also has a pool and waterfall. People who had just finished swimming often walks around to get a towel or go to the bathroom, causing the floor to be wet and slippery which increases the risk of others to trip and fall if they are not walking properly. On the day of the shoot, I should walk more slowly through crowded areas and always pay attention when walking incase the floor is slippery to reduce my risk of falling. It will also be more beneficial to search for an area where there are less people for the shoot to go smoothly.

Location 2 : Dr. Joe & Friends

Location Assessment
I took this picture at Dr. Joe & Friends, a restaurant in Bali. This location has a very nice ambience and mise-en-scene due to the good natural source of lighting and its bright, colourful decors. The interior's wall design is dedicated to colourful deers and there is also a unique deer statue as well. The deer statue would add a distinctive touch to the magazine if it is used as a prop for the shoot and the colourful walls would help to catch audiences' attention. The accessibility of this location is very straightforward as it is a public area and the mise-en-scene may be regulated if the place aren't crowded. However, the areas for the shoot are limited as the tables and chairs are almost everywhere which might makes it hard to move around during the shoot. Despite this location's uniqueness, I don't think I'll be using this location for the shoot because it has very limited spaces. This location's vibrant colour theme can collide with the model's attire as well. Therefore, I'm trying to find locations with a more neutral or earthy colour to complement my magazine's concept and aesthetic.

Risk Assessment
Given that the facility has a pool at the center near all of those tables and chairs, there is a pretty high risk that people might accidentally fall into the pool while strolling around. To avoid this from happening, I should caution the model to pay attention when walking. Unpredictable weather is also an issue for the shoot. It is better to postpone or cancel the shoot if the day is rainy so the model won't be exposed to the rain, decreasing the chance of the model getting sick. On the other hand, the model might become sweaty if the weather is excessively sunny and hot. If the model becomes sweaty, there is a high possibility that the makeup will be ruined, and touch-ups will be needed, which can delay the photoshoot even more. Checking the weather at least one day prior to the shoot will help prevent this.

Location 3 : El Lago

Location Assessment
El Lago is a café that is located in Kintamani, Bali. The design of this location is very aesthetically pleasing and minimalistic with a view of the mountain. It offers both indoors and outdoors areas, and certain locations allow visitors to take photos with a better view of the mountain in the background which can pique audiences' interest. I consider this location because I love the minimalistic design of the building and the white colour theme will definitely not overpower the model's look. This location's design complements my magazine's aesthetic. However, it might be hard to get to the location as it is very far from the area that I live in (around 2 hours) and it will be hard to bring all of the equipment considering that it will be a lengthy ride. Due to the location's popularity and fact that it is a public area, a lot of the mise-en-scene can't be controlled during the shoot. Additionally, since this location is near the mountain, there is a chance that the view might get foggy (as in the image above) which can result in poor lighting for the picture. Furthermore, the weather might be too cold, especially for those wearing the Igari fashion, which would make it difficult to conduct the shoot. Therefore, I don't think that I'll be using this location for the shoot. Nonetheless, I'll still be using this location as inspiration for my magazine cover.

Risk Assessment
Since there is a lot of people who visits this café to take pictures on their desired spots, the session of the shoot couldn't be too long because there will be people waiting in line as well. People may bump into each other or even bump into the shooting equipment which is a concern. The model might also catch a cold from having prolonged exposure to cold temperatures while using thin clothing, causing to weaken the immune system. To prevent this, it is better to search or plan how the model will pose like in advance to the actual photoshoot in order to not take too long during the shoot while always keeping an eye out to the shooting equipment to prevent it from falling or breaking. It's also way better to ask the model to wear thick, warm clothing like jacket or hoodie to cover up and drink warm beverages before the shoot to prevent from being unwell.

Location 4 : Monsieur Spoon

Location Assessment
This is a picture that I took at Monsieur Spoon. Because of its high-end design, this location was the one I gave most consideration out of the four. Additionally, it has a more refined and elegant touch that will complement my magazine's concept really well without drawing attention away from the model's appearance. The visually appealing interior design and lighting of this location can capture audiences' interest easily. Due to the use of complementary colours - blue and brown - the interior's colour stands out. Portrait cowboy shot can be used to take the magazine's cover image as it can show the model's full body attire while landscape long shot can be used to take the pictures in the double page spread. This location is easy to access, it is also very spacious and has various spots for the shoot. Furthermore, this location is incredibly tidy and clean, also has a very modern appearance to it which meets my requirements of what I'm searching for. Although not all of the mise-en-scene can be regulated for the shoot, most of it can. However, due to the artificial lighting and crowds, silhouettes in the background during the shoot may ruin the picture's outcome.

Risk Assessment
Personally, I don't think there is much risk when it comes to this location aside from the fact that it is a public area with plenty of people are strolling around. However, I think it's preferable to schedule the shot in advance to ensure that it doesn't take too long as to not cause nuisance to the people around. Additionally, it is best to avoid getting in the way of others to avoid blocking their path or bumping into them during the shoot -especially the waitress.

Reflection : By completing the risk assessment for each location, it gave me better awareness of the potential hazards in my surroundings. This will help me save a lot of time because any occurrence of these accidents will hinder the photoshoot session and the result of the shoot wouldn't be optimal. Moreover, I determined that selecting Monsieur Spoon would be a more advantageous option. The location analysis significantly influenced my decision-making process.

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