
Magazine Article 1st Draft

Here is my attempt on making the 1st draft of the magazine article that I will put in my fashion magazine.

Topic : How to find your own fashion style
Tone : Informal (friendlier tone)
Direct/Indirect : Direct
Who is the author :  A well know fashion stylist and designer.

Plan : Introduction - body text - interview with star appeal - closing.
What to include : Images (Jmin, outfit, accessories, full), headline, subheading, author, main article, pull quote. 

Jmin's Interview :
How do you find your own fashion style that suits you ?
It took effort and time trying different clothes styles out that fit my body type, colour scheme and preference to find my own fashion style. Throughout my journey, I have found inspiration and guidance by studying the fashion choices of multiple celebrities which helped aid my journey towards finding my own style.
Is confidence important to help express yourself better through fashion ?
Yes, confidence is a crucial key to expressing myself effectively through fashion. When I see other people’s confidence in their style choices, it shows, and truly creates a stronger impression towards others.
Any tips that you'd like to give to readers on how to find your fashion style ?
Explore as much styles as possible (exploit yourself in the fashion world)
Explore your style preferences and compare them with reality (mood board)
Such as knowing your body type and natural skin tone - to know which type of clothes you should avoid and colour tones that suits you

The Alchemy of Fashion ; A Guide to Express Yourself through Fashion.
If you think that fashion has limits to creativity, you're wrong.

We live in a world where it is filled with never-ending trends and ever-changing styles, where fashion is an enterprising and continuously flourishing art form. Finding your own fashion style is one of the most important key to standing out in the crowd. However, it may not be as easy as it looks; it often resembles navigating through a complex labyrinth. The secret to unlocking this enigma lies in embracing the process as a journey of self-discovery. Fortunately, several guidelines can assist you to unraveling the mystery of cultivating a personal style that not only reflects your personality but also exudes confidence.

A Fashion Stylist and Designer of many years, Estelle Claude has looked through matter. "I have encountered common challenges among individuals, particularly adolescents, in their quest to define a distinctive fashion identity. The lack of proper guidance often leaves them grappling with issues of self-awareness, confidence, and a fear of societal judgments. This demographic frequently faces problems related to a deficiency in fashion education, impeding their ability to comprehend fundamental aspects such as body shape analysis and color coordination. As a result, a lot of them find themselves trapped in styles that fail to harmonize with their unique characteristics. Personal style may also change constantly. Therefore, the failure to recognize this may add another complexity", she said. Estelle Claude also added that individuals may struggle to embrace the inevitable shifts in their style preferences, sometimes being unaware that these changes are a natural part of developing of personal expression.

Jmin May, a well know freelance Fashion Model that has been in the fashion industry for more than half of her life is on the rise of her popularity due to her recent appearance at a cafe in her hometown on the 2nd of February 2024. She was seen to be wearing a style called 'Igari Fashion' with a little bit of twist that comes from her personal touch which makes the outfit to serve a minimalistic, cool yet elegant look. Pictures that were taken of her by user "@____" on that day was then published on Instagram not long after. The post then started blowing up by receiving tons of likes, comments and reposts, getting the attention from millions of people all around the world; mainly fashion enthusiasts and designers due to how perfectly the style fits her. Quoted from the comment section; "She looks phenomenal" "I've never knew how important fashion style is until I saw this" " "She's insanely breathtaking, I aspire to be just like her one day" "Wow. Just wow. I have no words, she looks divine". Jmin claimed that she was surprised by the amount of recognition that she was getting but is very grateful that she was able to be an inspiration for others. As she is not under any fashion agencies, a lot of famous fashion agencies are grappling to take her in. Everyone admires her and desires to have a prodigious fashion sense like hers. 

Like a gracious genie summoned in the times of need, Jmin May has shared a few of her tips on how she finds her own fashion style.

• How do you find your own fashion style that suits you ?
"It took effort and a lot of time trying different clothing styles out to see which one that fits my body type, colour scheme and preference to find my own fashion style. Throughout my journey, I have found inspiration and guidance by studying the fashion choices of multiple celebrities that I look up to which helped aid my journey towards finding my own style."

• Is confidence important to help express yourself better through fashion ?
"Yes, confidence is a crucial key to expressing myself effectively through fashion. Whenever I see other people’s confidence in their style choices, it really shows, and truly creates a stronger impression towards others."

• Are there any tips that you'd like to give to the readers on how they can find their own style ?
"Of course ! If you want to find your own style easier, you should explore as much styles as possible, take your time to exploit yourself in the fashion world. You can also explore your style preferences and compare them with reality; mood board. Such as knowing your body type and natural skin tone to know which type of clothes you should avoid and colour tones that suits you. Last and most importantly, confidence! It usually influences people's presence and it really helps to make you look more attractive."

Fashion is not just about clothing, it's a profound form of self expression. Just think as if the fashion world is a canvas; where each of your choices is like another stroke to your masterpiece. It's time for you to be YOU.

[Pull Quote : Fashion is like a canvas]

Reflection : Turns out, making an article for a fashion magazine is not as easy as I thought it would be. At first, I was confused on where to start as I don't really know how to make a magazine article sounds professional and engaging at the same time. I then re-read some double page on the fashion magazines that I have and go back to my Double Page Spread Analysis blog to know more about the conventions of a fashion magazine's double page. As time went on, the difficulty upon writing this article gradually became easier and I enjoyed writing it. Since my target audience are mostly teenagers and young adults, I decided to use informal tone and direct mode of address in the article so readers so they can feel more engaged and connected since it helps to create a sense of intimacy and inclusivity. Honestly, it also took me a long time to settle on a good subheading because I'm pretty indecisive and I want the subheading to be a thought-provoking and impactful to the readers. I ended up getting the idea from one of the double page spread from the COSMOPOLITAN Magazine's double page as an inspiration to mine. I also tried to use the conventions of the language style of fashion magazines; where the language usually uses conversational tone and inclusivity, then implement it in mine so that it will sounds as if it's professionally made. Additionally, I 'interviewed' my friend to answer the questions that I have prepared for her so the language style can differ from mine, allowing readers to read it easier. 

Here is where I got my subheading idea from : 

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