
Technical Skill

Throughout the project, I encountered  some technical problems. In this blog, I will show how I solved the problems in detail.

Problem : Unable to embed PDF into blogger.
In my blog post for the Statement of Intent, I had to embed a PDF document onto the page. At first, I tried to do this with a simple "embed" link that my teacher had taught me about as that is what my classmates and I usually used and this technique worked fine when I embedded a presentation into blogger. However, this technique doesn't really work when it comes to embedding a PDF document since I was unable to resize the image of it.

I researched online and found a useful YouTube video that explains how to do it. I also asked my teacher for guidelines as I was a little bit confused and unsure about whether I'm on the right track. 

Here are the the steps : 
1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive
2. Click "share" and make sure that "anyone with link" has access. Then, copy the link of the PDF document. 
3. open up "HTML view" in the blogger page.
4. Paste the link
5. Remove "usp=sharing" and change from "view" to "preview"
6. Add the code <iframe src=" " width="640" height="480"></iframe> and insert the PDF link into the src=" "
7. Click "Publish"

Here is the edited code :

Now, the whole PDF document is visible as it has the perfect size to the blog which makes it appear neater and more organized, making it easier for people to read.

YouTube Video's Title and Link :
How to upload pdf and related file on blogger || how to upload documents in blogger ||

Reflection : I was quite surprised on how simple the task was. Although I still needed my teacher's guide for reassurance, I was able to keep up and follow along. I often think that coding on a website is intimidating due to how hard it looks. However, I have shown that I can use it to do simple tasks through this experience. I tend to forget things quite easily. Therefore, I decided to include a step-by-step process here so I can refer back to it incase I forget the solution in the future. 

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