
Double Page Spread : Research + Development

 This is the Research and Development for my magazine's double page spread. I have decided to separate my research and development from my front cover research to make it more organized.

Here is my first double page spread research from a Fashion Magazine by ELLE.
ELLE Indonesia ; September 2023 Issue, Featuring Imaan Hammam.

Does it has a Call to Action ?
No. The double page spread only talks about Kartika Wijaya's career and fashion style, inspiring readers to be themselves. I believe that the Loewe bag is featured in the double page only because it conveys what Kartika Wijaya's prefers for her fashion style.

Reflection : 
I have learned that I have to include a byline to provide credits for the author. In my opinion, the headline and subheading should be positioned near the top of the magazine to make it easier for readers to read and understand the topic of the article immediately. The layout of the magazine is really good however, it looks like there is a little too much on the top due to the bottom being filled with sentences. Therefore, it doesn't look balanced. This helps me to understand that layout is very important and I should create a double page using a more balance layout. I believe that the images used in this double page is professionally taken since it has a good sense of composition, lighting and quality which helps to attract audiences' attention. Therefore, I will need to include good quality images to make my double page more appealing to the audience.

Here is my second double page spread research from a Fashion Magazine by COSMOPOLITAN.
COSMOPOLITAN ; October 2023 Issue, Featuring Halle Bailey.

Does it have a Call to Action ? 
No it doesn't as the double page is talking about Anne's journey of being a transwomen and how she became the owner of Miss Universe and changing some rules into making Miss Universe Organization a safe space for everyone to be the strongest, most powerful version of themselves. It doesn't include any products in the double page.

Reflection :
I learned that bold fonts are really important for headline and pull quote to immediately attract readers' attention as the letters appears to be thicker and bigger than the other. The article is a little bit too long as it is filled about Anne's journey so readers might lose interest when seeing how long it is. Therefore, I think that I will put less sentences in my double page spread. They utilized the collage technique for two of the main pictures in the double page. This makes it look more fun and creative, making it appear more unique. Thus, there is a high possibility that I will apply this collage technique in my double page. 

Additional : 
I learned that a lot of fashion magazines doesn't only focus on fashion. Although not all, most fashion magazines focused on other subgenres such as lifestyle, health and architecture. It is sometimes quite challenging to find a double page spread that includes a fashion product as most products are placed in the double page as an ad which doesn't include any articles in it. Therefore, I will make a double page spread that includes a fashion product and article in it. 

Here is the link for my Double Page analysis spreadsheet : 

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