
Magazine Development

 Here is the development process of my magazine, I will put all of my ideas here and reflect on the decisions that I make.

Genre : Fashion
Sub-genre : Clothing

Possible names of magazine : 
  • Brielle (Heroine of God)
  • Lustrous Luxe (illuminate or shine light over something)
  • Bijoux (dazzling and priceless)
  • Dazzle 
  • Briller (to shine/sparkle. derived from the French word "brilliant/shining")
Here are some possible name ideas for my magazine. 
My target audience are fashion enthusiasts, female teenagers or women around the age of 14-28 years old so i would like the title to sound fancy and has a good spelling to it. At first, I was thinking on using "Lustrous Luxe" as my magazine title since the spelling looks luxurious. However, I decided not to because I prefer magazine titles that only has one word so it's easier for people to say and remember it.  Furthermore, the name of the title also means "to illuminate or shine light over something" which I feel is more directed towards fashion magazines that utilize jewelleries as the main sub-genre while my fashion magazines focuses more towards overall outfits and personal style. Therefore, I decided to use the title "Briller" instead because it's easier for audience to remember the name and it fits a lot more to the genre and concept that i'll be doing. The word "Briller" comes from a French word that means "brilliant or shining". It also means to shine or to sparkle in English. This correlates well with the concept of my magazine as I want my audience to feel more confident and shine after reading through it.

Possible coverlines : 
  • "Modern Magic : Release the Power of Personal Style" 
  • "Winter À la mode : Seasonal Trends for Fashion Enthusiasts"
  • "Limited Edition : JMIN's Fashion Tips"
  • "JMIN MAY : Exclusive Interview"
  • "Blooms in Bloom : The Season's Special Fragrance"
For my main coverline, I have decided to use "Limited Edition : JMIN's Fashion tips" because it'll suit the content of my double page well. By using the phrase "Limited Edition", it suggests exclusivity and uniqueness as the word "Limited" implies that there is a limited or inadequacy on the quantity of the product. Therefore, audience are more likely to perceive it as something special or unique, creating a sense of urgency among audiences which can encourage them to purchase to avoid missing out on it. However, I am also considering using "JMIN MAY : Exclusive Interview" as an alternative for the main coverline since it could convey to the readers that the double-page spread includes an interview, potentially sparking their interest in the model's thoughts and responses. Therefore, I am contemplating using this as the second choice for my main coverline. Furthermore, since Jmin is the star appeal of the magazine, i will write her name using capital letter and bold font, making the size larger than the other coverlines. This will make it stand out to the audience so it will immediately attract their attention. 

Images in Double Page Spread : 
  • Model interacting with a prop (most likely a doll)
  • Sub photos to complement the main photo (necklace, tings and eye makeup) 
Main Cover
Following the generic convention of a fashion magazine, I decided to use a full body shot that involve an eye-level angle to give direct mode of address to the audience. I want to use a full body shot since it allows for a comprehensive view of the model's body proportion which is important to highlight the fit and design of the clothing on the model's entire body. Additionally, I intend to include a few coverlines which may serve as an overview of the magazine's content to make it easier for audience to decide whether or not to purchase it. 

Typographies :
The choice of typographies are very important when it comes to magazine covers. Since typographies are communication of theme, it can help to convey a particular mood since it sets the tone of what readers can expect inside. It can also make the make the cover stands out, enticing people to take a look of it. Therefore, I've tried to use several typographies to see what suits the best. 
Here are some of the typographies that I've tried so far :
At first, I wanted to use the typography on the bottom left corner [Tan Pearl] because I like how it looks, it looks beautiful and elegant since it has a lot of curves but it still can maintain its composure. However, I decided to change it the one right on top of it, [Higuen Elegant Serif] as I think it'll fit my magazine more. It has a thicker font which can help to catch audiences' attention easily while still having flowy curves like Tan Pearl's font. Another reason why I decided to switch is because the edges of the Higuen Elegant Serif's font is sharper which makes it appear more bold, as if it has a lot more "confidence" than the other fonts even when it has curves that helps it to appear elegant.

Double Page Spread : My initial idea is to feature my friend to play the role of a famous model, using an elegant pose in the image of the double page spread. My research has shown that these articles usually have a good range of white negative spaces and the pictures does not overlap so it will be easier to focus on one image before moving to another one. It usually looks very neat and precise with the article featured on the negative space. 

Targeted Fashion Style :
After researching more and more about what fashion style I should use for my magazine, I've decided that I'll most likely settle on Softcore / Igari Fashion style as I think it will fit my model's look really well. Igari Fashion is originated from Japan. The fashion style has a more mature and minimalistic look which makes the model appear natural and having a youthful and fresh appearance. 
Here is the style that I am aiming for : 

Reflection : By making this blog post, it is easier for me to come back and check what my ideas are for my magazine. It helps me to figure out which of them I should work on further and which to feature in my magazine. I can work faster and be more organized now that I have this post. 

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