

This blog post features the script of our documentary that was made by Regine and Aurel. However, this blog post is written by Regine.

Aurel had begun the script by giving her initial plans and vision by noting them down in a bullet point form. I then took her ideas to create it into a rough draft of the script (screenshot of version history below)

This was then improved and developed further by Aurel. She continued the script to add more dialogue and descriptions of the scenes. Additionally, she changed the format of the script to a more screenplay with the help of Studio Binder's script writing  tutorial as well as our teacher's help of formatting it. I returned to help on the script by commenting and changing a few lines after a thorough discussion with Aurel.

Reflection : During the week we were scheduled to write the script, we also had other tasks to manage, such as the storyboard, location scouting, and risk assessments. To avoid struggling with deadlines, my team and I decided to divide the tasks evenly. Therefore, Regine and Aurel took the lead on writing the script. However, we worked together as a group to discuss potential changes and improvements before finalizing the script.

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