
Contents Page Research and Development

 I will put all of my ideas for the content's page in this post, including possible layouts and images that I'll be choosing from. In here, I will also reflect on my decisions as they evolve.

Further Research
Typical Fashion Magazine contents page :

After researching the contents pages of some fashion magazines, I've discovered that the amount of pictures used in the contents page are usually inconsistent. Fashion magazine typically place a high value on visual appeal and creativity in their design since they help to establish a strong brand identity to entice readers to explore the content. It also aligns with the creative and artistic vibe of the fashion industry. Therefore, the amount of pictures that are used varies, depending on the magazine’s theme, target audience and the editorial team's creative direction for what they believe would work best for the issue.

The first image is from the Cosmopolitan x NOW TV magazine that was released back in December 2019. By incorporating multiple photos on the contents page, it enhances visual interest, making it more appealing. Additionally, it serves as a preview of the content within the magazine and enables the showcasing of content diversity in a concise form. However, there may be a risk of visual overload, potentially resulting in a cluttered and busy appearance on the contents page. This makes it challenging for readers to quickly and easily identify the contents they are interested in.

The second to fourth images are examples of fashion magazines that only incorporate one image on the contents page. By only incorporating a single large image, it creates a sense of elegance and simplicity since it allows for a clean and uncluttered design. This method not only makes a strong visual statement but also immediately captures the readers attention, setting the tone for the entire magazine. Additionally, it can serve as a visual representation of the main feature which attracts readers to delve into the content related with that image. However, it may offer only a limited preview of diverse content inside the magazine, reduces its informational value and increasing the risk of the contents page appearing monotonous or repetitive. 

I have also observed that majority of fashion magazines typically feature images of the model(s) and typically comprise approximately 100+ pages. The magazine names are usually positioned at the top in a large and bold font size to ensure easy recognition by readers.

Both have their pros and cons. Nonetheless, I have decided to opt for the one featuring only a single main image in the magazine as I aim for a design that exudes elegance and simplicity aligning seamlessly with the theme of my magazine. However, I will still try to experiment by using two or three images to see if it fits better.

Contents Page Image Selection

In the middle of the shoot, I decided to take pictures of the model's face expression to assess which ones best aligned with the mood of the magazine. The photos shown above are the results of this decision. I ended up loving how these photos turned out, leading me to choose them for the image in my contents page. I used eye-level close up shots of the model's face to establish a direct connection between the model and readers. Not only does it make it easier to highlight facial expressions, it also proves effectiveness in conveying specific emotions that the model aims to address.

Among all the pictures, I believe this one will better suit the image for my contents page better because it conveys a sense of simplicity and elegance. I like how gentle her facial expressions are and the elegant smile that exudes sophistication and refinements. This creates an approachable demeanor and fosters emotional connections which allows readers to feel a greater sense of relatability. 

After choosing the photo that I'll be using in the page, I decided to change the image colour by applying the same filter used for my front cover design that I've made using Polarr. I applied this filter to achieve a balanced colour palette that complement other colours present in the photo as well, in a harmonious and visually pleasing result. Furthermore, I believe that the filter significantly enhances the overall contrast in the photo which helps to create more depths and dimensions.

Layout Sketches

Here are four layout sketches that I've made for my contents page. Initially, I intended to select two main layouts for me to develop further. However, I am curious on how all of it will look like in the end. Therefore, I have decided to experiment and develop all four layouts using canva. Furthermore, I had an idea of incorporating a cut-out image of my doll in some of the contents page, as I believe it may align well with the theme. Additionally, in the fourth sketch, I integrated two different images, each featuring distinct facial expressions because I am curious about the outcome and how it will contribute to the overall aesthetic.

(This is the image that I took of my doll which I believe would be a great fit for the contents page)

Layout Enhancement and Processes
Here is the development of all my layout sketches that I've created. I used canva to finalize the look of my contents page. I will be annotating areas for improvements as I progress through the process. 

Final Result

This is the final result of my magazine's contents page. I prefer this design the most because it exhibits a balanced composition and it a neater overall look compared to the other designs I've created. I also asked a few of my friends' opinions on which one they'd prefer and majority opted for this option. Hence, I choose this for my final contents page design.

Reflection : Honestly, I find creating the contents page somehow more challenging than designing the front cover. In my opinion, balancing simplicity and visual interest is tricky, as making it too simple can be uninteresting, while excessive complexity can make it too cluttered and readers might find it hard to read. I find it hard to balance the composition and many attempts left me dissatisfied. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the final contents page result, acknowledging that there are areas for improvement. I will learn from this and hopefully create a better one in the future. 

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