

This is my advertisement research for my storyboard

Title of the Advertisement : MoneySuperMarket "That's How I Roll"

Brand/Product: Insurance Company

Duration of the Advertisement: 1 minute

Brief Overview/Summary:

1. Target Audience

  • white man

  • middle aged man (around 20 - 30 years old)

  • people who are interested in cars and women

  • middle - lower class people

2. Message and Purpose

  • the message of the ad is if you join their insurance, you will be cool and caught the attention of a

lot of people
  • the purpose of the ad is to appeal to people so that they can remember about the ad or company's

name if they need it.

3. Meaning and Interpretation

  • even if you're an 'uncool' person, you can still become a cool person if you have cool cars while

women can also be attracted to you.

4. Effectiveness

  • they decided to add a sense of humour to the ad to make it interesting for their viewers.

  • they also asked Snoop Dogg as their celebrity endorsement which helps to attract a wider range

of audience since not only is he popular amongst the older people, he is also pretty well known
by youngsters.

5. Personal Response

  • in my own view, i think the ad was hilarious and unique although it was quite confusing as the ad

doesn't show what they're trying to promote until the very end of the video.

Title of the Advertisement: Cadbury's Gorilla Playing Drums

Brand/Product: Cadbury chocolate

Duration of the Advertisement: 1.43

Brief Overview/Summary:

1. Target Audience

  • younger audience (7 - 30 years old)

  • both genders but it might leads to having more male audience due to the song choice.

  • people who loves memes or have a good sense of humor.

  • people who loves animals

2. Message and Purpose

  • the purpose of the ad is to make it appealing so that the costumers can remember the ad over and

over again.

3. Meaning and Interpretation

  • they used purple and yellow background since it is Cadbury's signature color.

  • the gorilla played the drums in the ad to show how eating Cadbury's chocolate can make you feel

good. it also intrigues a lot of people to make them wonder what might be it's next move.
  • the song is repetitive and easy to remember, very catchy as well which makes us memorize the

song easily.

4. Effectiveness

  • it captures a lot of people's attention because by using gorilla out of nowhere, it makes people

guess what brand it is as they are watching. if they didn't find out what brand it is, they are
intrigued enough to watch the ad until finish. it also creates an impression on how iconic the
Cadbury brand actually is and people might have a good laugh about it.

5. Personal Response

  • in my opinion, the ad is really humorous and interesting. it makes the company looks so much fun

and creates an impression that they care about how their viewers are feeling.
i think it is a really good ad because it can have a great influence on the purchase
decision on the potential and returning costumers.

6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)

  • this ad stands out from other chocolate ads because it has a gorilla in it which it usually has no

correlations with chocolates at all. they promote the chocolate in such a humorous and interesting
way that it caught people's attention easily which leads to the ad becoming successful.

Title of the Advertisement: Barbie So In Style

Brand/Product: Barbie doll

Duration of the Advertisement: 30 seconds

Brief Overview/Summary:

1. Target Audience

  • young girls (around 6 - 10 years old)

  • girls that has the same skin tone as the doll. (Barbie used to appear more white while the dolls in

this ad are black)

2. Message and Purpose

  • to appear stylish

  • to create an impression that the Barbie looks fun and interesting

  • could develop creativity and a sense of style (learning how to style clothes and hair)

3. Meaning and Interpretation

  • the pink-ish color theme (feminine) and bright colors that attracts young girls.

  • catchy background song that young girls usually listens to.

  • the new golden Barbie logo makes it look a lot more elegant. having the color purple as the

Barbie's background helps the Barbie to appear more powerful due to the imperialistic connection
between both colors while still having pink as the overall background color to keep the
characteristic and origin of Barbie in general.
  • the phrase 'So In Style' is made into S.I.S as the abbreviation which also attracts girls as 'S.I.S'

sounds like the word 'sis" (sister) while also having the words written in gold so it attracts
audience attention to it easily.

4. Effectiveness

  • it definitely attracts captures the attention of the target audience well. the colors and the song

matches really well together and creates such an enjoyable atmosphere.
  • having young teenage girls as the actresses so other young girls would be attracted to play the

doll as well.
  • the consistent cheerful facial expression makes the product looks exciting.

  • the ad has good social proof. providing evidence of the usability of the product by having the

actresses to demonstrate how to play it.

5. Personal Response

  • i think the advertisement is really interesting. it intrigues me and makes me wonder how it will

  feel like to play Barbie again. it resonates with me because the dolls got their hair styled and is all
dressed up just like pretty much all the girls out there.

Title of the Advertisement: COCO MADEMOISELLE Eau de Parfum Intense, the

film with Keira Knightley - CHANEL Fragrance

Brand/Product: Coco Mademoiselle Perfume

Duration of the Advertisement: 1 minute

Brief Overview/Summary:

1. Target Audience

  • women from the age of 18 - 40

  • people who loves fancy perfume

  • high class people

2. Message and Purpose

  • the ad's message is to keep on smelling good and fresh especially at parties or an event.

  • the purpose is to make people attracted and becomes curious of the scent.

3. Meaning and Interpretation

  • the gold color scheme is to make the ad looks fancier and feels luxurious since gold represents

wealth and abundance.
  • they used the scent from parties to attracts a lot of young people since it resonates with them.

  • the scenes are made luxuriously so that the audience know that it is a high class perfume.

  • the main colors are pretty limited (gold, teal, brown and almond white), using more subtle colors

to give the impression of being much more mature.
  • the plain black background on the last scene helps the perfume to look more appealing since all

of the focus is directly at the perfume.
  • the actress, Kiera Knightley appears to have a strong yet fresh character. she indirectly convey

what characteristics Chanel wants the perfume to be like.
  • the word 'Chanel' is written in bold font to attract the attention of people to the brand's name

easier since the word appears to be wider and thicker.

4. Effectiveness

  • They asked Kiera Knightley to be their celebrity endorsement which is a good choice because she

is a very well known actress that has appeared in quite a lot of movies so it attracts a wider range
of audience.
  • some parts of the scene were filmed in a rather dark place to appear mysterious.

  • the ad has a storyline to it which makes it interesting to watch until the very end.

  • the catchy song choice makes it repeat in our head over and over again, making us remembering

ad without the intention to do so.

5. Personal Response

  • in my opinion, the ad looks very appealing and fancy. i like how it has a storyline to it. the clips

are very nicely adjusted but it didn't really show what product they are trying to promote until the
end of the video so it might make the audience wonder on what product they're trying to advertise.

Title of the Advertisement: MISS DIOR, THE NEW FRAGRANCE

Brand/Product: Miss Dior Eau de Parfum

Duration of the Advertisement: 46 seconds

Brief Overview/Summary:

1. Target Audience

  • women from the age of 19 - 40

  • high end costumers, high class people.

  • people who loves using perfume

2. Message and Purpose

  • the ad's message is to convince the target audience that the perfume will make them feel fresh and

leave a legacy of beauty when using it.
  • it also indirectly tells people that smelling good is important for everyday life.

3. Meaning and Interpretation

  • the color theme of the ad is very bright and fresh to attract the attention of young people.

  • the ad was filmed in nature to implement the idea that the perfume has a light and fresh scent.

  • the amount of flowers that kept on appearing in the background revealed a hint that the perfume

has a flowery scent to it.
  • the actress, Natalie Portman appears to have a fresh and beautiful character which fits a lot with

the theme of the perfume.
  • the scenes are made as if it's related to our everyday life (out in nature, going for an adventure

dressing up, etc) to make us feel connected to the ad.
  • the text font that is used to write 'DIOR' is called Nicolas Cochin Regular. it is used because it

make the text look elegant and fancy.
  • they revealed the product (perfume) at the very end of the ad because they want to create an

impression on what the perfume's scent or visual might look like.

4. Effectiveness

  • the catchy song helps us to remember the ad as it repeats in our head over and over again.

  • Natalie Portman is a very well known actress which helps Dior to promote their perfume to a
wider range of audience.
  • every actresses in the ad is cheerful and radiates positivity (feels good about themselves and looks
as if they're enjoying themselves) which uplifts the audience's mood.
  • the perfume is revealed at the very end of the ad which makes the audience watch the ad until the
end out of curiosity on what they are trying to promote.

5. Personal Response

  • in my opinion, i think the ad was able to catch the attention of the viewers well enough because

it corresponds to their target audience's age and concept. the scenes were also filmed and arranged
very beautifully and it has a great composition which makes it simpler to watch and comprehend
the point being made. the ad also offers a little storyline that appeals to younger and older
nowadays which makes it more interesting.

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