
Camera Angles and Movements

Here is a video I made experimenting with camera angles and movements.

camera angles:
- over the shoulder
- long shot 
- extreme close up 
- close up 
- long shot 

camera movements:
- static (scene 1, 5, 8, 9, 10)
- zoom (scene 2, 7)
- trucking (scene 3) 
- tilt (scene 4)
- pan (scene 6)

Static (scene 1): Shows no camera movement and no action is occurring. It focuses on what is happening, a watering pipe is shown without any explanation of what it is watering in order to focus on what is happening.

Zoom (scene 2): The focal length of the lens is adjusted by moving closer to the object, therefore draws the audience's attention (nature). 
Medium shot: Shows the audience the expression of the subject (calm) and what the subject is doing (sketching). 

Tilt (scene 4): Vertical (up and down) movement from top until beneath the tree. It reveals more information (subject is seen drawing while sitting down under the tree).

Pan (scene 6): The camera stays the same but twisted, it pans to the left (from the tree trunk to the subject).

Zoom/Over the shoulder (scene 7): Captures the perspective of the subject from behind. The subject is shown drawing as it zooms closer. 
Trucking/Long shot: Trucking follows the subject from the side with respect to the action. The subject walks and finds a place to sit down under a tree. A long shot is used to show how lonely the subject is as there is just nature and varieties of plants surrounding the subject. 

Extreme close up (scene 10): Focuses on what image the subject is drawing.

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