

Here is my proposal for the storyboard.

Name of the Product : Miss Dior Eau de Parfum

New Target Audience :
my new target audience are people, specifically women from the age of 16 - 24 years old and i'm also targeting middle - high class people. i selected this group of people as my target audience since the perfume's aroma will be pretty light, not overpowering and ideal for daily activities. it also has a floral scent, which makes using it feels revitalizing. i made my new target audience younger because they tend to be more active since this scent is perfect to use before and after engaging in outdoor activities. the colour scheme of this perfume is also very soft which is suitable for younger generation. lastly, because i believe that the product is slightly more expensive owing to the quality that it has, i specifically targeted middle - upper class people. i added middle class people instead of just focusing on the upper class people because i want it to be more affordable than the original product since it is targeted to younger audience. i'm also changing the geographical location to Japan since Japan has a high maximum temperature during summer and in Japan, the cultural state of mind around fragrance doesn't really exist it is actually considered culturally offensive to wear strong scents, so light and fresh understated scents are the preference. 

What will your ad be like? 
i will start my ad by having a 19 year old girl named Miihi (a Japanese singer) waking up from her bed in the morning and ready to start her summer break. she walked towards a huge window in her room and starts opening the curtains. looking at the sky, she realized how hot the day is. she then starts choosing her outfit and perfume that she'll be using for the day because she wants to go to a picnic with her friend. she was seen spraying the perfume and putting it in her bag to bring it with her. she then walks to the park to meet her friend. they went cycling, running around, playing beach balls, etc. then they sit down to rest and watched the sunset together. after that, her friend rested her head on Miihi's shoulder and realized that Miihi still smells good even after doing an outdoor activity for a long day. curious, her friend asked what perfume she used so Miihi took out the perfume from her bag and offered her friend to use it. then, her friend used it and they both smells great while walking home. to end the ad, the scene will then turn to have plain soft pink background colour and flowers will start popping out and fill the screen. after that, the perfume will be shown by popping out of the flower. then, the ad will proceed by having the catchphrase appearing on the screen with soft pink background 'The scent that's a rose to your senses' and ends with the 'Miss Dior' writing.

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