
Text Analysis : A Quiet Place

This is my video analysis for 'A Quiet Place'

The text was an extract from the film 'A Quiet Place'.

The film maker wanted to convey that the characters are trying to get away from the place that they're currently at (1), it also shows that the characters are trying to keep quiet to hide from something (2). lastly, it also shows that they are not supposed to be there as the place looks abandoned and eerie (3).

I think that the characters are trying to get away from the place that they're currently at because firstly, they used medium shot to focus on what the subject is doing. In that scene, it shows that the characters are trying to keep quiet by using sign language while the camera angle focuses on their hands and facial expression to made it seems like they're trying to to hide and remain unnoticed from something. The medium shots are also used to focus on the character's movement. It shows us that they're having a sense of panic while trying to keep calm because of how fast but silent the character's movements are. They also used close up to focus on the subject (medicine/pill) that the child is taking. This shows that the child might not be in a good condition. Close ups are also used to focus on the facial expressions of the characters which helps the audience to recognize and understand the character's feelings easier. Lastly, they used pan and tilt as their camera movement to show the overall settings of the place. The set is designed to be big but empty to create an eerie feeling, it looks rusty and unorganized as well. The characters' outfit are thick while they carried a huge bag to show that they are not from that place and they're ready to leave as soon as they got the chance to do so. The character doesn't have much make up to keep their face looks natural but some parts of the face are purposely made to look dirty to show that they haven't clean up for days. Majority of the sounds in each scene are quiet to let us know that they're trying to keep silent. It makes 

1 comment:

  1. - You start talking about them trying to keep silent. This is point 2 and should be in the next paragraph.
    - What feelings are we supposed to understand easier?
    - "the child is not in a good condition...>> and so that audience starts to feel sympathy for him and the family"
    - add more meaning to your analysis
