
Weekly Progress & Plan

Here is my weekly progress and plan for this project.

WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContentDeadline
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3TeamYour team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genreW4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
9Social Media (Research & Development)Research into similar social media pages. Development of own ideas.W9
10Thumbnail (Research & Development)Research into similar thumbnails. Development of own ideas.W9
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection EssayW9
9 September
16 September
12FinalFinal doc, social media page, thumbnailW9

WEEK 1- 26 July 2024 : 
As this is our first day of the project lesson, our teacher introduced the project and informed us that we will be working on a documentary this year.

WEEK 2 - 02 August 2024 :
This week, we were instructed to watch several documentaries to research and gain a better understanding of how to approach our project. Prior to this, we were asked to watch a YouTube video on creating suspense through sound, editing, and cinematography. This resource helped me gain a clearer understanding of how to produce a more engaging documentary.
To-Do : make a group and finish the research.

WEEK 3 - 09 August 2024 : 
This week, we formed our teams and began working on the statement of intent for our project. We are currently in the process of planning the plot for our documentary.
Problems : I didn't encounter any difficulties this week, as there wasn't much that needed to be done yet. Therefore, I'll continue to focus on the upcoming tasks.
Solution : - 
To-Do :We still need to finalize our statement of intent and further develop the plot details, as some aspects have yet to be decided.

WEEK 4 - 16 August 2024 : 
This week, my teammates and I began dividing tasks to streamline our workflow and ensure timely completion. As we aim for a high-quality result, we are committed to using our time efficiently to avoid rushing at the last minute. I took on the responsibility of creating the storyboard for the project. Additionally, we discussed potential filming locations.
Problems : Since this week has been very packed for me, I haven't got the time to start it.
Solution : I'll try to find a time to finish the storyboard
To-Do : finish the storyboard.

WEEK 5 - 23 August 2024 : 
I was absent during this week’s project lesson, but I was informed that a filming schedule was made. Despite my absence, I completed the storyboard for our group project. Additionally, we studied representation theory, which I believe will be valuable for our project. By applying this theory, we can gain a better understanding of how reality is constructed in media and analyzing any stereotypes and biases present.
Problems : I am quite worried about how close the deadlines are.
Solution : not procrastinate and start working on the project.
To-Do : film some scenes with my teammates. 

WEEK 6 - 30 August 2024 :
One this week, we continued to film the perpetrator's friend scene and the investigator's. This week is more focused towards finishing filming all the scenes. We were also introduced to the critical self reflection and we were told to start on it as soon as we can so that we wouldn't leave it close to the deadline.
Problems : As the deadline are getting closer and closer, it is hard to focus at a single tasks as we also have a lot of other tasks that we need to focus on.
Solution : Continuously working on our project
To-Do : We may need to find a substitute for our actress as she isn't feeling well.

WEEK 7 - 6 September 2024 :
On this week, we are almost done with all the filming process. As our teacher informed us to make start working on the thumbnails. I initiate to work on the thumbnail for our group. Aurel also said that she'll try to start helping with the research.
Problems : I'm scared that I wouldn't be having enough time to finish all the task as it is due next week.
Solution : Prioritized completing our tasks efficiently to ensure we could deliver the best possible outcome for the project.
To-Do : Thumbnail and critical self reflections. I'm also planning on improving my documentary's research as well to make it more detailed.

WEEK 8 - 13 September 2024 : 
Initially, this is the first deadline week for our project so all sessions of this week is used to finish up all of the assignments. However, due to the extremely tight deadline, Mr was able to help us extend the deadline for some of our works to Monday. This is a great help as I thought I wasn't going to be able to finish it the tasks.
Problems : There are still quite a lot of works to finish for Monday's deadline. I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it. 
Solution : Work on the project whenever I can.
To-Do : make thumbnail and critical self reflection before Monday.

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