

 In here, I will showcase the behind-the-scenes of the photoshoot.

To be honest, there not much occurred during the photoshoot. However, I will showcase some of the preparation for the shoots here. 

We planned to conduct the shoot on Sunday so we commenced discussions regarding the model's outfit a few days prior to the scheduled date. We ultimately settled on two of these options :

After discussions, we ended up deciding to use the one on the left as it exudes a softer vibes. Given that the fashion style aligns with the softcore / igari genre, we believe it better fits the theme. We also reached an agreement that the model will do her makeup before arriving at the shooting location, considering her familiarity with what compliments her facial features. This decision is in line with the magazine article, where the model shares tips on developing one's own style. Moreover, this will expedite the shooting process and make it more efficient.

Subsequently, we had a discussion regarding the items to bring during the shoot. I ended up compiling a list to ensure that I wouldn't forget anything by the next day. Here is what my list looks like :

Before starting this shoot, I had no prior experience with handling nor using a professional camera before. Consequently, my friend, Timothy, offered to lend me his camera for the shoot. Hence, I borrowed my friend's camera and sought his guidance in both using the camera and understanding proper photography techniques. We experimented with various angles, backgrounds and lighting scenarios to ensure our efforts would produce the best possible results.

After a few trial and errors, I was able to capture a few photos that meet my desired specifications.
Following Timothy's guidance, we proceeded to capture some close-up shots of the model's facial expressions as a practice, aiming to determine which one best suits the mood for the magazine.
Here are some of the results that we found most appealing :

I ended up admiring the photos. As a result, I have chosen to include it in my contents page > Contents Page RnD However, after examining these photos for quite a while, I feel like wanted to add some glitter under her lower eye since it could potentially attract people's attention more effectively. Therefore, I tried applying the glitter using the glittering liquid eyeshadow.

I think it turned out exceptionally well, as it adds glow to her lower eyelid, making it stand out more prominently. Consequently, we opted to continue with this approach for the remaining shots.

Reflections : I had a great time taking pictures and gaining more knowledge about photography. However, after looking through this post, I can't help but feel like I should've captured more behind the scenes moments to showcase a more comprehensive view of the entire process. 

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