
Weekly Progress & Plan


Here is my weekly progress for the magazine project, and also a rough plan

My teacher made a schedule on what my classmates and I have to get done each week so we can work more efficiently and submit it on time. Therefore, we will be following this timetable.


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Reflection : I think this weekly progress is really helpful because it helps me to keep track on what I've done throughout the week and what tasks I have to do next. 

WEEK 1 - 6th October 2023 :
Today, our teacher introduced us to magazines. To identify all of the sections and features of a magazine, my classmate and I studied about terminologies and keywords. We then labeled the front page of our magazine by utilizing the terminologies that we have just learned about. Personally, I think this project will be fun since it is very interesting to me. Therefore, I'm looking forward on making it.

WEEK 2 - 13th October 2023 : 
I started doing research and analyzing some fashion magazines. I had enough time to finish my work so I'm currently in the second part of the research. I also learned about representation theory and I think it is very useful for my project since it helps me to know that I need to be more careful and detail about what I put on the magazine to make it appear more attractive towards my target audience.

WEEK 3 - 20th October 2023 : 
(I changed the format of my weekly progress so it will be much easier to read and look through what I need to get done since it is more concise)
This week, I analyzed two magazine front covers in full detail and researched further about magazine terminologies and the uses of camera angles. I also tried to have a deeper understanding on what representation is and what stereotype and countertype are. Lastly, I learned about representation theory by Stuart Hall and how media doesn't reflect meaning but it creates meaning. My classmates and I practiced this by looking at a representation of a social group in Indonesian media. By doing this, it helps me to interpret clearly on my magazine's target audience. 
Problems : I'm not quite sure on what type of fashion magazine I would be making. I was thinking on doing a clothing fashion magazine but I was amazed on how jewelries are presented in the fashion magazines that I was analyzing. Therefore, I can't really decided yet.
Solution : I have discussed with my teacher and I think I will most likely be doing a jewelry magazine because it looks more elegant and easier to photograph.
To-Do  : statement of intent, finish research and analysis.

WEEK 4 - 27th October 2023 : 
My class discussed about the genre theory by Steve Neale that can be described with the similarities of media texts in order to be recognized as a particular genre yet different enough to be new and original. I think that this discussion is very essential for my project as it applies to my magazine. This theory can help to attract my target audience by making my magazine to appear more unique but still within the conventions of the genre. I also set up a new post about my magazine progress with the guide of my teacher and made ideas for the title and coverlines of my magazine.
Problems : I have a bad time management this week due to the amount of works that I have from my other subject. Therefore, I haven't completed my work fully before the lesson.
Solution : I have to finish my statement of intent and magazine analysis tonight. 
To-Do : finish my statement of intent and magazine analysis. also continuing my magazine progress.

WEEK 5 - 3rd November 2023 : 
I learned about media theory that applies to the magazine and we did a gallery walk about it.
Problems : I haven't solved the issue of the statement of intent to make the image appear precisely on the blogpost.
Solution : I have to solve the technical issue.
To-Do : finish my double page spread analysis and study for the media unit test tomorrow.

WEEK 6 - 10th November 2023 : 
This week, I learned about the difference between traditional and new media and how media had converged. We also started making our magazine article while planning the layout.
Problems : I was indecisive on the layout of my double page.
Solution : i tried sketching my layout to see which one works best. 
To-Do : finish my magazine article. 

WEEK 7 - 17th November 2023 : 
I'm making sure that I have completed everything in my blog post as this is the last term of the semester. I'm going to go for a break and come back next term to finish my project.
Problems : I was confused on how to embed a post to fit in the blog perfectly.
Solution : I asked my teacher for guidance and got to embed it properly.
To-Do : completing all the work and making sure that everything is in place.

Term 3
WEEK 1 - 11th January 2024 : 

WEEK 2 - 18th January 2024 :

WEEK 3 - 25 January 2024 : 
This week, we learned about Cross Media Convergence and Synergy, about how two company works together and brings profit for both sides.
Problems :
Solution :
To-Do : 

WEEK 4 - 30 January 2024 :
This week, we learned about past exam questions and tried to answer it. I also started making the self critical presentation for my project.
Problems : I feel a little confused about the self-critical reflection question.
Solution : I asked my teacher about it and he explained it to me really well, making it easier for me to understand.
To-Do : Finish my self critical reflection presentation and front cover development.

WEEK 5 - 06 February 2024 : 
My classmate and I had a test about synergy this week. I then had the time to continue my project. Today, I focused on selecting the pictures for my final magazine cover and started to edit the picture's lighting, colour and magazine cover.
Problems : The deadline of the project is already very near and I'm scared that I wouldn't have time to finish it properly.
Solution : I have to manage my time better and stop procrastinating.
To-Do : Finish editing the magazine's front cover by this week.

WEEK 6 - 15 February 2024
This week, our class focused mostly on finishing the project since it is almost near the deadline. I started editing from the front cover and did further research for the front cover, contents page and double page spread as well.
Problems : There is a lot of things to do while the deadline is very near. I'm worried if I wouldn't be having enough time to finish everything.
Solution : I should start working every chance I get to be able to produce a good quality work and finish it on time. 
To-Do : Finish everything before next week.

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